Key Terms in the GumBall Protocol Ecosystem
gNFT - an NFT minted on GumBall Protocol
Collection Tokens / "GBT"- ERC20 token specific to a collection. 1 of 2 token reserves in collection's bonding curve. Created in correspondence with number of gNFts in a collection.
rGBT = reserve GBT, equal to aGBT
aGBT = actual GBT available for trading in the bonding curve
cGBT = circulating GBT, GBT held outside the bonding curve
tsGBT = total supply GBT, equal to rGBT + cGBT
buGBT = burned amount of GBT, destroyed when gNFT is converted to GBT
rbuGBT = burned amount of rGBT, destroyed in correlation to buGBT
Base Asset (ex ETH) - second token reserve in a collections bonding curve, allows for instant liquidity
vETH = virtual ETH, placeholder ETH used to set bonding curve floor price
aETH = actual ETH , real ETH in the bonding curve avaialble for trading
bETH = borrowed ETH, a placeholder to track the amount of ETH outside the bonding curve
rETH = reserve ETH, equal to (vETH + aETH + bETH)
ETHin = ETH sent to contract
ETHout = ETH received from contract
GumBall Factory = The GumBall Factory contract is where collections are created
ERC20 Bonding Curve = The bonding curve is a mechanism for distributing GBT while maintaining guaranteed liquidity for circulating GBT. GBT is bought and sold from/to the bonding curve.
GumBar = The GumBar contract is the staking contract. Users may deposit to stake GBT or gNFT, which earns yield in the form of GBT and the Base Token (ETH).
GumBall Machine = The GumBall Machine contract converts GBT<->gNFTs. This is the mechanism granting every NFT in the GumBall ecosystem guaranteed liquidity.
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